About Project

Electronic Work Integrated Learning (eWIL)

Our Electronic Work Integrated Learning (eWIL) framework automates the management of the pedagogical practice involving students learning by integrating experiences in educational institutions and workplace settings. Modern technologies that are leveraged in the eWIL framework are Agile software engineering workflow, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cloud computing. The framework provides a bridge for the students to navigate between the “academic present”, and their “professional future” while offering opportunities to apply and merge theoretical knowledge gained in academic studies to the “real-world” workplace practical experiences. The components/apps in the eWIL framework are eSIWES, InternSearch and Portfolio.

eSIWES Features

Internship Opportunities

Internship opportunities are advertised for students.


Students can fill their logbooks online and their supervisors can view and comment on them.


Students can fill all necessary forms online and the forms can be viewed by those authorized to view them.

Technical Report

Students can submit their technical report online and the tecnical reports can be viewed by those authorized to view them.

Assigning Students

Students can be assigned to supervisors online and each supervisor will have access to student records.

Visit Report

Institution supervisors can record their visit report online.


Students and supervisors are able to send messages between themselves.


Students evaluation can be done online.


Users can submit their feedback concerning the system and every comment will be attended to.

Progressive Web Application

This web application can be downloaded as a standalone application on mobile or desktop.


View events and event images.


View images of students embarking on their SIWES program.


An attendance service with face recognition and geo-location.